20. april 2010

My ass - It It Is

Jeg har gjort det før, og jeg gjør det igjen!

I did my hair, I bought new shoes
And invested in clothes thats in fashion now
Clearasil in the face, Gillette aftershave
and goodsmell under the arms that really tore.

You treated the cab, I bought myself a drink
You laid on my chest before we got there
You stroke my hair and you kissed my mouth
I did`nt know what was going on but knew it had a reason

I carefully asked you, when you had paid the cab.
You said; It`s your ass, it`s so sexy

My ass
You`re so happy in, My ass
I`m pumping iron to get my body healthy
I burn myself in the tanningstudio
My ass
You`re so happy in, My ass
The only thing you`re interested in, is my ass

I borrow fat books and read till I dived
about big philosophers and people thinking smart
Got tickets to the oprah and to the classic ballet
I went to a consert with a string quartet

I talked about art and literature
You said; It`s your ass thats culture

My ass
You`re so happy in, My ass
I`m pumping iron to get my body healthy
I burn myself in the tanningstudio
My ass
You`re so happy in, My ass
The only thing you`re interested in, is my ass

I`ve got head, shoulder, knee and toes
So why is it my ass that you shall itch on

My ass
You`re so happy in, My ass
I`m pumping iron to get my body healthy
I burn myself in the tanningstudio
My ass
You`re so happy in, My ass
The only thing you`re interested in, is my ass

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